3 ways to boost conversions on your landing pages

digital marketing services Telloquent Solutions

Companies require landing pages to highlight certain offerings and segment audience members into categories. The intent of a landing page is to get individuals to act upon a particular offer. Marketing automation can help you in creating attractive landing pages that drive conversions and engagement. Here are 3 ways in which you can boost conversions on your landing pages:

1.Personalized and long-form content – The objective of a landing page is to attract your customers to your offerings and get them to sign up. Customers are only attracted when they feel that the content is relevant to them. A one size fits all approach will drive away your prospects instead of getting them to register. Before using marketing automation to create a landing page, you must first research your target audience, their needs, pain points etc. You can use a heat map to see which parts of your website your visitors are clicking on. Additionally, you can use chatbots on your website and social media pages to converse with your prospects and understand their requirements. Based on such information, you can customize your landing pages to be more interesting and relevant for your customers. Apart from personalization, long-form content works better for landing pages as compared to short-form content. A study conducted by Marketing Experiments has shown that long landing pages can net 220% more leads than a primarily above-the-fold landing page. Long-form content allows higher keyword saturation, thereby driving more conversions.

2. Use striking videos and images – An attractive landing page can make your visitors stop and check out your offerings. Studies show that videos on landing pages can increase conversions by 86%. The motive is to stop your visitors from just casually skimming over your content. A striking image or engaging video can do just that! A simple product explainer video or an interesting background video can boost your engagements and conversions to a great extent! Similarly, including bright, aesthetic and interesting images in your landing page can catch your customer’s eye and get them to stop and take a look at your offerings. While including images and videos, care must be taken that they are relevant and related to the landing page content. Marketing automation can help in analysing your buyers’ profiles and understanding what type of images and videos will interest them. Also, in the case of videos, avoiding auto-play audio, including low volume background music and captions can help generate more conversions.

3. Compelling Headline – Headline is the key! According to a study conducted by Marketing Sherpa, 90% of visitors who read your landing page headline will also read your CTA. The headline is the first thing that your visitor reads when he visits your landing page and is one of the deciding factors on whether the prospect goes further down your landing page or not. While writing a headline, you must ensure that it clearly communicates the value proposition that you are offering. People respond better to emotional headlines. Your headline should make the visitor feel some emotion like feeling attractive, safe, a sense of exclusivity etc. Triggering some emotion in your prospects can make them take more than a precursory glance at your landing page content and actually get them to sign up. Apart from the emotional touch, your headline should also include relevant keywords, ensuring that your landing page content is discoverable to both humans and search engines.

A landing page is one of the most effective inbound marketing strategies. A well-designed landing page, containing all the essentials like headline, content, images, videos, CTA and form can drive conversions in a way that nothing else can. Implement these 3 strategies in your landing pages to see a sharp rise in your conversions.

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