4 ways marketing automation benefits sales

top digital marketing agency Telloquent Solutions

Long-term growth and development of an organization is reliant upon the smooth functioning of all the internal departments. This is especially true with respect to the marketing and sales departments. Marketing and sales alignment is essential for the profitability and productivity of a company. Marketing automation ensures that the marketing and sales teams can work intrinsically and interdependently. The optimal utilization of a marketing automation software ensures that sales can extract maximum benefits from the same. Read on to know 4 ways how marketing automation benefits sales:

1.Personalization – A vital benefit that marketing automation provides is its in-depth personalization feature. The most effective marketing campaigns are those that are customized according to the target audience. Gone are the days when personalization meant just adding the name of the customer. Today’s savvy customers only engage with brands that provide a personal touch to all their marketing activities, making customers feel valued. An effective marketing automation software comes with analytical features that can consistently track customer behaviour and customer data and gather insights from the same. Based on these insights, marketers can create targeted marketing campaigns that are personalized and relevant. Personalized campaigns ensure higher customer engagement, which in turn drives sales.

2.Lead Nurturing – A critical problem faced by all marketers and salespeople is converting marketing-qualified leads into sales-qualified leads. Marketing automation solves this issue with the help of lead nurturing. Even the most quality leads may not result in sales if they haven’t been adequately nurtured. Lead nurturing involves building the customer’s interest in the product or service in a series of steps, via several personalized marketing activities. With lead nurturing, the analytical capabilities of marketing automation software is used to send customers targeted content depending upon the stage of their buying journey. Nurtured prospects have a much greater probability of converting and generating revenue for the sales department, as compared to unnurtured prospects.

3. Lead Scoring – Lead scoring is an important marketing automation feature that can be the difference between success and failure! Implementation of lead scoring involves identifying and differentiating between hot leads and leads that still require time before they can convert. This ensures that sales personnel do not waste time on leads that have minimal chances of converting. With lead scoring, marketers can rank leads based on their importance and chances of converting and sales personnel can then concentrate on the hot leads. It is basically a way to identify the sales-qualified leads from the marketing-qualified leads.

4.Email Automation – Email automation is one of the most popular and commonly used features of any marketing automation software. Marketing automation comes with several in-built email automation features like building and designing email templates, mass sending, email scheduling and more. Salespeople, traditionally, depend upon calling up customers to generate revenue from them. This is an obsolete strategy that often results in customers getting disturbed and blocking the sales personnel. An email is a much better alternative. With email automation, sales departments can send prospective customers personalized and relevant emails, based on the stage of the conversion funnel they are occupying. Customized and engaging emails can pique the interest of customers and drive sales and revenue. 

Onboarding and executing a marketing automation software is essential for every company looking to expand its operations and drive growth. With marketing automation, all departments, especially marketing and sales departments can work in conjunction and deliver superior results. Know more about our marketing automation services.


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